Marcy Fry

Marcy has been called to serve God in Haiti through the ministry Bold Hope.  What this looks like varies greatly depending on the need.  

On going projects include:

  • Acting as a resource for the medical clinic.
  • Bring supplies and medication that are needed in the local medical clinic and administered by the Doctor and nurse on staff.
  • Teacher training and resources, working with the principal and supporting/helping him in many ways.
  • Supporting an on-going formula program for babies that have lost their mothers and have no other way to be fed.
  • Encouraging the Haitian staff and their ministries.
  • Encouraging and supporting a local young women’s ministry with outreach and resources.  Also praying for an encouraging the leadership of this group. 
  • Coming along side of the missionaries and staff of Bold Hope in Haiti and around the world.
  • Building relationships with the Haitians so that we have an ongoing working relationship that builds the kingdom. 
  • Educating contacts in the United States about current events in Haiti and how they can help.
  • Recruiting child sponsors to meet the basic needs of Haitian children.  

Every trip bring new ideas and requests for assistance with projects so Marcy brainstorms with the local missionaries and Haitians on the visions they have for the future of Haiti.   

She also leads trips from her home church to third world countries with the goal of serving God and loving people.
