The  Impact of a Wise Mentor  Have you ever  been impacted by the words and actions of a wise mentor? When God brings that  special person into your life, it’s as “iron sharpens iron”. Both the mentor and  the counselee grow from their interaction together.   My mentor  showed up in my life when my children were still very young and her spiritual  influence will be felt for generations. How did she do it?
Using the acronym of  I-M-P-A-C-T.   I hope  to share a few tidbits about my mentor’s affect on me.

I-             Insightful Experiences My mentor  doesn’t hold back her good or bad experiences to teach me important lessons.  Since her children were grown, she had a wealth of knowledge to help me make the  best decisions. Her guidance shaped me to become a more patient, loving, and  kind mother—I learned to not take my children for granted.   M-             Motivate towards Purpose For a long  time I wasn’t sure what or where God wanted to use me. I dabbled in many things,  but nothing seemed to be the right fit. My mentor honed in on what she could see  was giftedness from God to build the kingdom of Christ. To this day, she still  always centers my vision towards the purposes of God.
P-          Patient Training I don’t pull  punches when it comes to what I believe. Yet even if I’m dead wrong, my mentor  gently and patiently advises me towards righteousness. She recognizes the  difficulties I face in marriage and motherhood so she trusts that I will come  around in time without badgering.
A-             Acceptance of Who I am One of the  most precious gifts my mentor has given me is the freedom to be completely  myself around her. I never worry about trying to impress her. In her presence I  let my hair down and keep it real. She’s a safe person to share my hurts and  joys.
C-             Cautious in Advice There are  times when I may not feel like doing the right thing. Because of our open  relationship, I freely share my doubts, fears, and anger. While she gives me the  freedom to open up, she cautions me to stay in the safe place of God’s hand. Our  friendship has grown even when we don’t agree a hundred percent of the  time.   T-             Truthfulness Grounded in the Word What I love  most about my mentor is that she feels my pain in so many ways; yet she never  compromises the Word of God to accommodate my feelings. She is intimately  engaged in prayer and study of God’s word. The fruit of her life mirrors the  love she has for her Savior.   Have you  experienced this kind of I-M-P-A-C-T? If not, begin praying and asking the Lord  to send you a godly mentor so that you will one day mentor in the same  manner.
Crystal  McDowell