Being Used to Sharpen Iron
A few months back, I wrote an article about the joys of seeing the fruit you have invested in…producing fruit of their own. I mentioned that a gal I had discipled wrote me a text saying that she was eager to take on her 2nd discipleship of her own and to just let me know who it would be. I mentioned in the article about being very thrilled! We have been missionaries here in the Dominican Republic for about 12 ½ yrs now, and God has done some incredible things in the lives of all of us….and He has allowed my husband and I to take front row seats here in Santiago, D.R. to watch some of it! Well, dear friend, take a ‘front row seat’ and let me tell you about part 2 of this story just mentioned – you’re gonna love it! Grab a cup of coffee and listen to this….
What occurs after writing the article: So, in responding to her text, I had to tell her that all the women in the church available could only do evening formal mentorship b/c of job situations. You see, she is a stay-at-home very busy mom and could only do mornings…some of you can certainly relate! I was so saddened in my heart to literally have to “turn her down”, but then sensed a real nudging from the Lord to begin praying about the situation. About 3 weeks later, she came to me saying…”I just can’t sit around, Kelly, could I offer a small book reading study with any of the ladies who are available in the mornings (whom already have been formally discipled)?” She didn’t realize it in asking…but what she was really setting herself up for was leading a class, leading a group of women…not just one on one… this was going to be a whole ‘nother ballgame! I was thrilled! I met with her and began giving her a few tips regarding leading – and she began. I cannot describe the joy, so I’ll wrap it up with this perfect little verse, 3 Jn. 4, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.” That verse has taken on a whole new meaning for me as a Pastor’s wife, let me tell you! Anyways, she began preparing and started to feel a bit scared. I prayed with her, and that next week she began – just 1 lady showed up. Faith is tested. Those of us in leadership at church who heard about it gave her some encouraging words, and with a tremble in her voice, she said, “I don’t care if it’s just 1, God has prompted me to do this, and I have to give out what He has given me”. A tear ran down my face….
2 weeks later, second get-together, several show up…one being a visitor brought by one of our ladies from church. My disciplee ‘casually’ decides to gives her testimony about being a believing wife with an unbelieving husband. She gives words of wisdom, words of hope. Little does she know the visitor sitting in front of her is in the exact same position…and discouraged, feeling very alone. God does not reveal anything to the leader. I hear about the impact that was made, the crying that was going on as soon as the visitor leaves, the thank you’s that were made to the woman who invited that visitor. I hear about how excellent it went from many others. The leader hears nothing, and begins thinking….“I wonder how this is being received?…are they liking this?….are they getting anything out of this?…I have to be obedient, God has called me to this.” I call ‘my girl’ and tell her about it all…she’s in the hardware store at the time, and just about cries out of joy….”God is using YOU, do you realize this?” I encourage her. So she continues on, not because of a great phone call hearing about the rejoicing, but because she feels a conviction on her life to share with others, what God has done in her own life.
This story all started with a tract that she received about 9 years ago, it spurred her on to come to church…dragging her 2 children with her…who were fighting all the way. She gives her life to Christ, one by one her 2 children give their lives to Him, she enters into a formal mentorship, grows in the faith, and in the Word, and here she is today giving out what God has and is working out in her life. God is teaching her the beautiful real life picture of Proverbs 27:17, “As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend”.
Kelly Webb
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